The Phyto Lab

solutions for terrestrial and aquatic surface contamination

What We Do

The Phyto Lab investigates and develops solutions for terrestrial and aquatic surface contamination across Australia, with particular emphasis on heavy metals and Petroleum Hydrocarbon mixes. We work within the Environmental Science Research Team at UTS.

We are interested in developing new methods and technologies to reduce terrestrial and aquatic land contamination in a safe, cost-effective and non-destructive way.

We work within urban areas of the Sydney catchment, but also have field sites in coastal and regional New South Wales. Our manipulative glasshouse projects are conducted in the rooftop facilities of the UTS Science building.

We are open to collaborating with community and educational groups, as well as industry and NGO partners.

Current Projects

In 2019 we are working on a range of projects including in-situ field work across contaminated sites in New South Wales, and manipulative lab experiments at the UTS City Campus.


Are you interested in collaborative projects or research experience?